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Science Congress



Science & Technology Congress

Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology is engaged in numerous programmes to promote scientific talent and temper in the State. Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress (USSTC) is one of these programmes and is organized every year


USSTC is meant exclusively to promote the scientific talent and provide encouragement to the budding scientists and researchers of the State. Science Congresses attract considerable attention of the young researchers/ scientists and have been widely successful. The Young Scientist Awardees may be considered for sending them to the national laboratories to pursue their advance research work and benefit from national exposure provided they secure a place in any national laboratory. In order to have participation from engineering and technology disciplines, from third Congress onwards it is now called as "Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress (USSTC)".

Attachment Size
19th USSTC Advertisment (1st).pdf (227.99 KB) 227.99 KB
Annexure (19th USSTC).doc (62.5 KB) 62.5 KB
Program Schedule 19th USSTC 2024_compressed_0.pdf (1.25 MB) 1.25 MB