It is a medium-sized evergreen flowering perennial deciduous shrub; the plant is 1.5–7.5 m tall and 1–2.6 m wide. The basal stems have a smooth bark, which turns light grey, is lepidote when young, develops grooves, and furrows with age. The green leaves are compound and saw-toothed (5–13), and the leaflets have an opposite arrangement on the unwinged rachis except for a single terminal leaflet. They are slightly hairy on the undersides near the midrib, and in the vein axils, 5–8 cm long and 4 cm wide with a short petiole, lanceolate (elliptic or ovate), and the apex is acute with a narrow base (Fig. 1 b). The flowers of the plant are showy, bright yellow, about 4–5 cm long with a short petiole, tubular in shape, with faint orange to red strips running down the throat, and have five rounded lobes. They occur in series on clustered racemes, with up to 50 flowers in each, at branch tips bending the twigs into arches and appearing like golden bells from far. In India, it blooms in abundance in the fall, with a shorter blooming period in spring. The flowers have a fragrance that attracts bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators. The fruit is 10–25 cm long; it has a bean-shaped capsule with two sections, each containing approximately 10–20 seeds in each locule. Initially, it is green, but as it ages, a change in pod color from olive green to pale brown occurs. Dried fruits stay on the tree in untidy clusters for many months, slowly open up, and release many papery and winged seeds that float away to nearby areas by breeze.