It is a tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. It is a deciduous, semi-succulent shrub or small tree with a broad crown that is often as wide as the tree is tall; it can grow up to 12 metres tall in the wild but is usually smaller in cultivation. The boles of wild trees can be 25cm in diameter. Frangipani is well- known for its intensely fragrant, lovely, spiral shaped, reddish brooms which appear at branch tips June to November. The plant is erect, branches are very thick. Leaves are scattered, lanceolate to obovate, nerves numerous, horizontal and 12.5 to 20 cm long. Flowers are very fragrant, generally red, pink or purple centered with rich yellow. They are large in terminal, 2-3 chotomous cymes, bracts many, broad, deciduous. Calyx small, 5-fid, eglandular within; lobes broad, obtuse. Corolla salver shaped, throat necked, Stamens near the base of the tube, anthers obtuse, cell rounded at the base. Disk 0 or lining the calyx tube. Carpels 2, distinct; Style short; Stigma, 2 lobed; Ovules many seriate in each cell. Follicles are linear oblong or ellipsoid. Seeds are oblong or lanceolate, plano convex, winged, albumen fleshy, thin; cotyledons oblong or ovate cordate.