Common Name : Maple-leaved Bayur Tree
Hindi Name : कनक चम्पा | Scientific Name : Pterospermum acerifolium
Family : Sterculiaceae
Uses : The indumentum from the lower side of leaf is said to be used to prevent bleeding from wounds. A good tonic is prepared from the flowers which is also a cure for inflammation, ulcers, tumours, blood troubles and leprosy. The flowers, kept among clothes, impart a pleasant perfume and keep away insects. The large leaves have been used as plates and for wrapping up items such as tobacco leaves. The heartwood is red; the sapwood white. The wood is soft to moderately hard. It is sometimes used for planking and interior construction.
Native: South Asia
General Description: It is an evergreen tree with an irregular crown with thick, steeply ascending branches; it can grow up to 30m tall. The bole is often crooked. Leaves are simple, alternate, have stipules and are palmately ribbed. It has large fragrant nocturnal white flowers, occurring in axillary fascicles. Fruit is a capsule, angled and furfuraceaous.