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Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST), Dehradun (herein after referred to as the Purchasers/service seekers) has published this RFP for Setting up STEM Education and Innovation Centres(STEM Jigyasa Kaksh) including Supply of Equipment/Devices and mentoring in 95 government schools of 95 blocks of Uttarakhand. UCOST accordingly invites bids for Setting up STEM( Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education and Innovation Centres (STEM Jigyasa Kaksh)  including Supply of Equipment & Devices and mentoring of students in 95 government schools of 95 blocks of Uttarakhand.

Proposal in the form of BID are requested for the item(s) in complete accordance with the documents to be uploaded as per following guidelines

Bidder shall submit their bids in separat sealed Envelope (Physical Form) in 3(THREE) parts ‘PART-I Pre Bid Criteria (Tender Fee and EMD- in favor of "Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology” payable at Dehradun)’ along with self declaration certificate that the firm has not been blacklisted in the past by the central govt. departments/State Govt. Departments/PSUs of Central/State Govt.

PART-II (Technical Bid with necessary documents)’ and

‘PART-III (Financial Bid)’ before the last date 13th Dec, 2023 at 16:00 Hour along with Tender Fee & EMD clearly superscript with the Part I, Part II & Part III enclosed in Single sealed envelope by Registered/Speed Post.



Clarifications on Tender No. UCS&T/Tender/STEM/2023-24/24876

 dated: 22/11/2023


Based on the pre-bid meeting held on 2nd Dec, 2023 & communications received from possible bidders through Email/letters following clarification are notified:-

Attachment Size
Final RFP for STEM Resource Centre.pdf (712.1 KB) 712.1 KB
STEM Clarifications on Pre Bid Meeting_0.pdf (198.19 KB) 198.19 KB